
Relationships: Your Best Friend is Married And You Are Still Single?

Many singles especially ladies, find it hard to continue with their relationships with friends because those friends are now married. However, should it be so? Should marriage become a barrier between you and your very close friend? Whether as a newly wed or veteran in marriage, should your marriage serve as a deal breaker between you and your friends?

A single friend talking to her married friend.

As someone who is still single, the tendency is to see your married friend as someone you can no longer relate with, which is understandable.

However, how you and your friend manage your relationship all lies with the both of you.

You both need to consider the changes that may likely occur in your friendship as a result of the recent changes that just happened-ahead of time.

When you are married, it’s the new reality that you definitely would have less time for some of the things you once enjoyed doing. This includes your previous friendships because more things now compete for your time.

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Also, it’s very possible that you are adjusting to the new life and trying to blend in with the new changes. And in the course of doing that, you want to try to strike a balance between the old and new life.

You try to juggle all together to see if you can and you are finding it a bit of a challenge making sure things align.

You are perhaps thinking you can make things not so different from the way they were in the past. You are trying, and it’s hard but will your friend understand?

Friends talking about their married friend.

So, as a single friend to a married woman, how do you handle your friendship if your friend feels this way so what you have going over the years is not jeopardized?

You need to first make up your mind to continue being friends and understand that your friend hasn’t abandoned you or jumped ship because of her new title.

Rather, help her navigate her new life by doing what you can, to ensure that she settles in well in her new phase.

Don’t also be discouraged or compare yourself to her or others. Be genuinely happy for your friend while looking forward excitedly to your own turn-if it’s something you desire.

Relationships: Ladies happy for their married friend.

Perhaps you are thinking, what if it’s your friend who wants to intentionally stifle your friendship- or so you think, because she is now married?

You need to be considerate and know that with every new stage in life comes more responsibility and whatever happens, your friend though may not have the same amount of time she used to have to hang out with you, would still be willing to go an extra mile for you and be there for you.

That’s what friends are for right?

Relationships are important. Don’t let go of your old friends because of a new level you just attained or have not yet attained.

It’s not only in business you are advised not to burn bridges. This is applicable in friendships as well, especially those ones that have been with you from the start, encouraging you and making sure you attain those heights you now enjoy.

Don’t leave them behind.

Relationships: You should still be friends with your married friend.

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