Life is boring, life is fun, life is crazy, life is wild. In reality however, life is actually what you make it to be. Are you ever happy or are you so tired and confused that you are tired of being so tired of yourself and everything around you? Uh-oh...that was a mouthful! Let's take… Continue reading How To Create Your Own World Of Happiness
Why Family Dinners Are Important
"In the home, around the family dinner table is where family memories are made." Eating is serious business. We all love food, okay...may be not everyone but I sure do especially when it's so good! Family dinner time for me is a special family time which goes beyond just eating, to creating memories for years… Continue reading Why Family Dinners Are Important
20 Subtle Signs That Show He Likes You
“Does he like me or does he like me not?”...What are the subtle signs that show he likes you? There are times we meet people and we just connect with them easily. We are unashamed to let out our feelings. We just want the other person to know we like them and that's it. Some… Continue reading 20 Subtle Signs That Show He Likes You
Are Your Friends Real Or Are They Fake?
You've probably heard the saying "Fake it till you make it", but does that apply to friendships? Are your friends honest-to-goodness or are they fake? Friendship is life, friendship is fun. It's such an amazing ride when you have friends-good ones who care, I mean those ones who truly care about you. If you have… Continue reading Are Your Friends Real Or Are They Fake?
5 Ways To Get Your Child To Love School
How can you make your child love school? While children are a blessing and having them is a privilege, raising them well with all they need to survive is every or most parents' top priority. And one of the ways parents ensure they get it right (at least at the minimum), is by the type… Continue reading 5 Ways To Get Your Child To Love School