Someone once said MOM is WOW spelled upside down. Amazing right? I saw an advert over the weekend which at the end says: "A baby not only changes your changes everything". I suddenly had a pause-and-think moment. How true! I mean, I knew this before, at least subconsciously but seeing it across the screen,… Continue reading You Are A Mom…And You Are Enough
5 Ways To Make Your Online Group Chat Room More Responsive
Do you belong to an online group chat room or did you just create yours? Are people in your group responsive or are you frustrated? If you are a part of an online group chat room or you oversee one, you may be lucky with the tons of response you get from the start but… Continue reading 5 Ways To Make Your Online Group Chat Room More Responsive
8 Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gifts For Young Lovers
This does not mean you can't get these Valentine's Day gifts too... 🙂 It's the season of love once again! Wasn't it not too long ago we said Happy New Year? As it is, the year is no longer as new and Valentine's Day is just around the corner. Valentine's is that season of the… Continue reading 8 Thoughtful Valentine’s Day Gifts For Young Lovers
5 Natural Ways To Manage Your Anger
We are humans and we get angry. I get it. Some times, we feel justified when we do but most times we are not and we know it. Yes, the person you are crossed with probably deserves the fire and brimstone coming his or her way-or so you think. But after the rain of fury… Continue reading 5 Natural Ways To Manage Your Anger
4 Ways To Say “No” Effectively And Not Feel Guilty
Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty for saying No? I have...but not any more because of these alternatives I am about to share with you. Many times we go out of our way to lend a helping hand to others even when it's inconvenient for us -which is not a bad thing. We just… Continue reading 4 Ways To Say “No” Effectively And Not Feel Guilty