Marriage & Family

How To Enjoy Peace In Your Marriage


Single hood, dating, solid successful relationship…marriage. Marriage, the peak of that mountain top. Finally, you are at the top of that mountain you had dreamt of from the foundations of the world. You were happy and excited but now you are sad because what you expected to give you solace is the very thing that seemed to have yanked off that very thing you seek…peace of mind and tranquility in your soul.

Love and peace fade with time in many marriages…but it doesn’t have to happen to yours.

Peace of mind is one thing that’s precious because it gives you the opportunity to be clear headed in what ever you decide to do whether outside or inside the home. You for one don’t want to be in an environment where tranquility is far fetched and chaos and strife is the order of the day. Someone say toxic!

Related: 10 Ways To Resolve Conflicts In Your Marriage

Since peace is something you aspire to acquire and retain in your marriage, how do you ensure it’s not thrown out of the window but maintained to increase love, intimacy and togetherness in your home?

How To Enjoy Peace In Your Marriage

1. Desire peace

If you want peace in your home, you need to desire it.

Desiring peace means doing all you can to see that peace doesn’t evaporate. When you desire something, you pursue it. Pursue peace and ensure that it’s a goal you always want to see achieved no matter what’s happening in your home.

Related: How Emotionally Distant Couples Can Survive A Broken Marriage

2. Choose peace for yourself

Because it helps you in many ways.

When you are at peace, you are not afraid of the present or the future. You are bold and confident because there’s no turmoil or confusion lingering in your heart about your situation or your spouse.

You choose peace for yourself because you need it.

3. Choose peace for your spouse

How? Why?

Because as long as you are married, whatever happens to your spouse…happens to you. This may not sound nice and you may wish so badly that this isn’t true. The fact that your spouse is restless means you would at some point become restless too.

You are one and the same.

Related: The Power of A Touch In Marriage


4. Choose peace for your situation

Whether it be with your marriage, children, work or colleagues, choose peace for every position you find yourself in.

How do you choose peace in all these things? By using your power of choice. Don’t you ever feel you don’t have a choice when you are faced with different situations. You do!

5. Allow Peace

This has to do with other people more than it has to do with you.

Don’t be the one to deny peace particularly, if the other person or third party or may be even your spouse is willing to make peace. Rather, be an advocate for it. Do not be a stumbling block to making amends where it is necessary.

Do you have in-laws or friends staying or visiting with you in your home? Give peace a chance when there is conflict. You may be angry and your threshold for patience might have diminished over time. Allow peace overtake the chaos. Let peace reign.


Food For Thought

Do you know how many times a day you need to make a decision from the moment you wake up till you go to bed at night? Research says it is 35,000 times. That’s an average of one decision every 2 seconds.

Life is full of choices. Life is made of choices. Life itself is a bed of choices. What choices would you make?

Would you choose peace?

Take Away

In your marriage, make peace your priority and get the tranquility you deserve for a healthy mind and life in your marriage.

Bonus Tidbits:

-Peace comes from within.

-You cannot give what you don’t have.

-Let your choices guide you to peace of mind.

-These tips can help with all of your other relationships.

-When you choose peace…you win!

Would you like to take your relationship a notch ahead? Get my Free E-book : “The Love Recipe For Successful Relationships”

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