Someone once said MOM is WOW spelled upside down. Amazing right?
I saw an advert over the weekend which at the end says: “A baby not only changes your life…it changes everything”.
I suddenly had a pause-and-think moment. How true! I mean, I knew this before, at least subconsciously but seeing it across the screen, gave it even more meaning.
As a mom of my own adorable, gorgeous kids, I have had my own fair share of motherhood- at least so far. They literally came into my life and turned my life upside down but in a good way! A WOW way!
I look into the past, when I had my first child who is now turning into a little lady of her own. I remember the sleepless nights, sore nipples, not being able to go out to parties or hang out with friends or do the things I enjoyed doing- at the time I wanted to or would have loved to do them.
Does this sound too familiar? Date nights with my hubby almost became forgotten but we realized quickly we had to be intentional about taking out time for ourselves. Talk about the joys of parenting!
If you are a new mom, veteran mom, soccer mom or a single mom, kudos to you. Getting up early every day and staying up late at night isn’t a job for the faint- hearted. Look at you! You are doing amazingly great!
I say to myself; the heart of a mom is indeed like a rose, spreading the fragrance of love to her kids and those around her.
It is always such a sight to behold, whenever I drop off my kids at school in the mornings and I see fellow moms with their little cuties, giving them hugs and saying their goodbyes.
The heart of a mom is like a rose- Yeminie Kay
As a mom, watching their tiny toes grow into giant feet, their little eyes become wide eyed, those small fingers become big hands and rosy cheeks become a foundation for lovely smiles, make me take a step back to see what beauty it actually is, birthing a life into the world.
Oh what joy! And the best part of it? When they hug me and say “Mommy, I love you”. “You are the best mom in the world”! or ” I love your cooking the best!” Nothing beats that! It’s one of my favorites things in the world to hear.
Take the quiz with your child to to know their love language.
Loving them and being loved and appreciated in return is the best gift any child can give to any parent because it makes it all worth it in the end.
…But being a mom could be a lot of work and exhausting sometimes. May be as a mom you feel so overwhelmed by so much to do, so much to give and all you receive is little or nothing in return or so you think.
The truth is, the job of a mom never ends, from cradle to adulthood…or may be forever?
I know my mom for sure till she passed, had my best interests at heart. She always looked out for me and prayed for me.
When I became a mom- which is one of the best things in the world, I knew my time of “tag-you’re-it!” had come. I now have the same responsibility to shoulder…and I knew I had to do it right. But how?
I asked the Lord to help me because I had seen my mom being a MOM to me. She wasn’t just an ordinary mom; she was a super mom. She sacrificed a lot for me, and I wasn’t her only child…she had 8. So, whatever she did for me, she did for the other 7 as well. I still wonder how she was able to pull through! Talk about grace, I believe. Otherwise, I don’t see any other way that could have happened.
She did it so gracefully and she always seemed to have it all together. I never saw her cry. Not once. She was that resilient. I am not trying to be like her, I’m not even going to try. She was a woman of her own substance; unique in every way.
Motherhood is tough…but wait, that also means you are tough! Children are priceless jewels of inestimable value and you have not only been blessed and privileged to have them; you have been chosen.
Chosen to have these little adults in your care to shape and form to become responsible independent adults who in turn would be a blessing to their world.
Why have you been chosen? -Because you are capable.
Mother’s Day Gifts That Will Melt Her Heart
Motherhood is tough…but wait, that also means you are tough!
Parenting is indeed the most unselfish thing you could ever decide to do- but you made the right choice.
So as you go about your day, trying to make sure everything falls in place in your home, or on days you feel worn out, weary and tired, or at those times you feel you really need a break, take some time out to think about why you do what you do and draw some strength from it.
Whether you are a stay home mom, mom at the workplace, homeschooling mom or you have your kids in the public or private schools, we all have a common denominator- MOM. You are doing what you think is best for your child and that’s what matters.
We all have a common denominator- MOM
As you remain stationary at your lighthouse serving as a beacon of light to your kids, teaching them how to navigate the world and helping them differentiate between right and wrong, everything you hope to see your kids become will come to pass.
And as you try to pull it all together, don’t push both your physical and mental self-care including date nights with your spouse or hang outs with friends to the back burner (whenever you have some time to squeeze in some friends into your heavy schedule, do it).
These are crucial to having a successful motherhood journey. We all need community to thrive as moms.
Hang in there. I am cheering you on, you’ve got this!
You are a MOM…can I hear you say WOW!