Self Care

30 Reasons Why You Should Let People Into Your Life

No. This has nothing to do with the corona virus, people.


Different people say to me to let me know how much they cherish self-imposed social distancing in different ways: “I just want to be alone. I don’t want anyone around me. Is there anything wrong in that? I just want to be left alone”

Many times we don’t value our friendships and relationships because we feel they cause us more pain than joy and this may be true in some cases. But should your friendships be thrown out completely and should you instead allow isolation be your sole companion?

Trust me, I know how badly you want to be left alone. But how important is it having people around you and what happens if you don’t?

Related: Why You Are Lonely In The Midst of Friends

Managing your relationships so that it benefits not just you but the people around you is a skill you need if you want to be truly happy. And trust me, living in isolation or trying to run away from people won’t cut it.

Related: Are Your Friends Real or Are They Fake?

The benefits of being surrounded by people cannot be overemphasized.

Being isolated brings intense sadness. Though it is enticing and probably looks cool, it’s actually the opposite of what it seems to look like from afar. It’s a sham. Don’t fall for it.

So why is it important to have people around you?

I am just going to race through this:

1. You are at peace because you know you are not alone.

2. You have people to talk to.

3. You have a connection with others.

4. You have confidence that you have friends.

5. You have people you can call on at anytime- at least one or two you can totally count on.

6. You have something to look forward to each day. Either someone coming around or you having a shared activity with friends.

7. You avoid depression.

8. You have people to hang out with- either outside or inside of your home.

9. You can chat with people anytime you feel like talking.

10. You are not alone at your parties or on your special days. Plus you get to receive presents! Send a friend a birthday gift.

11. You have people stand in for you.

12. You are happy- Though this largely depends on you.


13. You have people to rely on.

14. You have people to encourage you.

15. You are a blessing to others as well.

16. You have people to share in your joys and pains.

17. You have people around you, regularly.

18. You have access to good advice- though this actually depends on the kind of friends you have.

Related: The Power of Two; 10 Unique Benefits You Have

19. It helps you speak and hear the truth -though this should be done in love.

20. You can easily find help when you need it.

21. You get to do life with others- which is amazing.

22. It helps you see life from a different angle or perspective.

23. You get to share your jokes and have others laugh at them – not just you.

24. You have someone at least to share your burdens with.

25. It helps you blossom because no one thrives in isolation.

26. You have your own tribe, people to call your own.

27. You have people to defend you- even in your absence.

28. You get to have friends to be silly with- and they understand you are just being silly.

29. You don’t get to be all alone during the holidays.

30. You get to have relationships just because having relationships is pure fun.

Bonus Tips & Action Points

-Isolation and loneliness are two bad combinations…run away from them.

-You don’t have to do life all by yourself.

-The world is too big for you to be alone. You need Comm-UNITY.

-Don’t miss out on good times.

-It’s boring to walk alone.

Food For Thought

Who is your family?

Hint: You don’t have to be blood related.

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